This is the fourth report on functional zoning and the triad model of forest management based on interviews with experts in the field. My previous interviews with Dr. Bob Seymour and Dr. Clark Binkley focused onContinue reading
Author: Austin Himes
Triad Forest Management at the Heart of Elliot Research Forest
On December 8th, 2020 the Oregon State Land Board voted unanimously to move ahead with transferring ownership of the Elliot State forest (32,000 hectare) to Oregon State University. The decision came after reviewing a proposalContinue reading
Functional Zoning: An interview with Dr. Clark Binkley
This article is the second of a series, based on interviews with some of the most prominent researchers who have dedicated part of their careers to the question of how the forests landscape should beContinue reading
30 years of triad forestry: an interview with Dr. Robert Seymour
Recently, I’ve been meditating on the strengths and weaknesses of intensively managed plantations. I understand firsthand the incredible efficiency of plantation forestry to produce wood fiber; I worked nearly a decade in some of theContinue reading
Should we use more wood to combat climate change?
Wood: Nature’s carbon capture and storage technology Wood is a pretty amazing material. It has superb engineering qualities and it literally grows on trees. It is one of the few renewable construction materials we have.Continue reading
Does increasing tree species diversity in plantations make sense?
Mixed species forests tend to be more productive, so whey are we still planting monocultures? A lot of recent research indicates a positive relationship between tree species diversity and productivity. So why aren’t monocultureContinue reading